Stuck in Sutton v1.1c
← Return to Stuck in Sutton v1.1c
- December 04, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Walkthrough, #Guide, #Stuck in Sutton, #Porn, #Game, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist, #NSFW, #SandboxSPOILERS AHEAD To earn the end game reward of Deer Jerky (which grants you 7 food), you are required to kill a 2nd deer. This can only be achieved if you're following Dan or Chance's love route. On Da... Continue reading
- November 22, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Porn Game, #Female Protagonist, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #Sandbox Game, #Text Based GameHotfix time. Syrup Savior. Fixed an issue with selling lean to the Trio in the park... Continue reading
- November 11, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Hotfix, #Patch, #Stuck in Sutton, #Female Protagonist, #Sandbox, #Text Based, #Porn, #Adult, #NSFWA hotfix for the Shotgun Stripclub encounter... Continue reading
- November 06, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Porn, #Adult, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #Female Protagonist, #Text Based, #Sandbox, #Sex, #Stripper, #Ben Rosewood, #Stuck in SuttonI did the thing I said I wasn't gonna do. This is a small content update that makes some minor fixes and adds a bunch of content revolving around drinking and not drinking. Les Get This Right. Fixed L... Continue reading
- October 23, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Patch, #Hotfix, #Update, #Sandbox, #Female Protagonist, #NSFW, #Adult, #PornAnother minor Hotfix Just the Tip. Added Tip earning for Day 7. Oh Deer. Made fixes to Chance's Date on Day 5... Continue reading
- October 23, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Tutorial, #Walkthrough, #Female Protagonist, #Sandbox, #Porn, #Adult, #Stripper, #NSFWThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. v0.11 added 5 random events that the player can encounter. Noisy Neighbors (Hotel Room) Randomly, you may hear a... Continue reading
- October 17, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Porn, #Adult, #NSFW, #Sandbox, #Female ProtagonistAnother day, another hotfix. Sex Working Again. Fixed issues with bonus prostitution scenes not linking properly... Continue reading
- October 17, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #Sandbox, #Porn, #Female Protagonist, #Walkthrough, #Guide, #TutorialThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. As of v0.11, players now have the option to steal. This activity costs no energy and can provide a profit, but it... Continue reading
- October 16, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Ben Rosewood, #Adult, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Porn, #Female ProtagonistAnother hotfix. Straight to Work. Fixed an issue with a dead end when you work at the bar after the audition with Dennis. Annabell Again. Fixed some minor issues with Annabell's playthrough. Life Afte... Continue reading
- October 14, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Porn, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #Adult, #Sandbox, #Female ProtagonistHotfix to fix a bug with buying the Futo NT-R... Continue reading
- October 11, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Hotfix, #Update, #Sandbox Game, #NSFW, #Porn, #Porn Game, #Female ProtagonistFixed two dead ends, made some minor adjustments, and squished some minor bugs. Car Troubles. Fixed an issue where buying a car on Day 7 before the day is over could lead to a dead end. Let the Heat D... Continue reading
- October 09, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Porn Game, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Bug, #Bug Fix, #Female Protagonist, #SandboxQuick hotfix to fix a bug where Annabell's Corruption path would skip to the end of the last day... Continue reading
- October 09, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #NSFW, #Female Protagonist, #SandboxHotfix for v1.0. Cucked No More. Fixed issues with buying the Futo NT-R. Dennis the No Longer Menace. Fixed an issue with Dennis' Day 7 conversation. Solo Effort. Fixed issues with Solo Endings. Goodb... Continue reading
- October 08, 2024 by Ben Rosewood13#NSFW, #Full Release, #Stuck in Sutton, #Completed Game, #Adult Game, #Sandbox, #Female Protagonist, #Porn, #Porn Game, #Sandbox Game, #Text Based Game, #Interactive FictionPickpocketing on the Rise The cost of living has found another way to reach our pockets. According to the Police Interest Group, the crime of pickpocketing has skyrocketed. Criminals are making profit... Continue reading
- October 05, 2024 by Ben Rosewood13#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #Devlog, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Porn GameThis is it, the final devlog. There's not much to say really. v1.0 is almost ready for release. It'll probably be out within a week. I've only got some testing and editing to do, but most of that shou... Continue reading
- September 19, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Devlog, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #Female Protagonist, #NSFW, #Porn Game, #Adult, #Browser GameAs I mentioned in a previous devlog, I was planning on adding one more mechanic to Stuck in Sutton. That mechanic is pickpocketing. In v1.0, you'll be able to pick the pockets of unsuspecting victims... Continue reading
- September 06, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #Sandbox, #Porn, #Female Protagonist, #Adult Game, #Sandbox Game, #Ben RosewoodHotfix for v0.11a Changelog: Broken Relationship. Fixed an issue with the Relationship page and Annabell's ID content. Hos Mad. Fixed an issue with the stripper random event... Continue reading
- September 03, 2024 by Ben Rosewood5#Guide, #Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Walkthrough, #Tutorial, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Porn, #Porn Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #Adult Game, #Lewd Game, #Sandbox, #Sandbox Game, #Female Protagonist, #Ben RosewoodThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. As of v0.10, players have the option to star in a porn film with Hans Pumpren. This is a rather lucrative work pr... Continue reading
- August 27, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Devlog, #NSFW, #Porn, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist, #Adult, #Sandbox Game, #HTML GameWe're finally here. v1.0. Or at least the plans for v1.0. I'm currently halfway through my week long break from SiS, so work will begin this time next devlog. v1.0 will be focused on tying up the vari... Continue reading
- August 23, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #Porn Game, #Major Update, #Update, #v0.11, #Stuck in Sutton v0.11, #Game Update, #Porn, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist, #Female Protagonist Game, #Sandbox, #Sandbox Game, #Adult Game, #18+Crime is on the Rise Finding it hard to make ends meet? You're not the only one. Crime has become the new epidemic to sweep America. Petty theft of food and other essentials has been occurring at an a... Continue reading
- July 09, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #Summer Adult Games Bundle, #Female Protagonist, #Porn, #Sandbox, #Text Based, #Twine, #Sugarcube, #Free Roam, #Sex, #Adult, #Ben Rosewood, #DevlogTruth be told, I don't have too much more to say about v0.11. Everything I haven't talked about is mostly story-related, which I wish to keep under wraps until I release v0.11. What I can say is that... Continue reading
- June 30, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #Adult, #Adult Game, #Porn, #Female Protagonist, #Text Based, #Devlog, #SandboxAt this point of development, I've been hesitant to add new mechanics for various reasons. Of course, I also want to offer players multiple options to approach the game's objective of leaving Sutton... Continue reading
- June 27, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Porn, #Adult, #NSFW, #Tutorial, #Female Protagonist, #Sandbox, #Freeroam, #SexThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. As of v0.9c, there are 4 random events that can occur at McCall's Bar. Note that this guide doesn't cover bar shi... Continue reading
- June 21, 2024 by Ben Rosewood6#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #Devlog, #Ben Rosewood, #HTML Game, #Sandbox, #Porn, #NSFW Game, #Female ProtagonistOne of the main plot points in Stuck in Sutton has been to get Annabell a fake ID. Initially, I intended for this to only affect the End of Day 6 event, but I've decided to allow players to bring Anna... Continue reading
- June 18, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Guide, #A Guide to Sutton, #Walkthrough, #Tutorial, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist, #Porn, #Character CreationThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. As of v0.9, there are two random events that can occur outside of the Pink Lounge Gentleman's Club. Woman with a... Continue reading
- June 12, 2024 by Ben Rosewood6#NSFW, #Adult Game, #Stuck in Sutton, #Ben Rosewood, #Female Protagonist, #Text-based game, #Character CreationNow that the dust has settled on v0.10, work has commenced on v0.11. The most obvious thing that's coming is the Dusties concert. In addition to that, I want to expand on some of the criminal playstyl... Continue reading
- June 06, 2024 by Ben Rosewood7#Hotfix, #Ben Rosewood, #Stuck in Sutton, #SiS, #Browser Game, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #AdultAnother little patch for v0.10 Changelog Bar Rescue. Fixed an issue with a missing link during the Rude Man bar shift. Free of Stress. Fixed an issue with the 'Too Much Stress' passage where you could... Continue reading
- June 05, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Hotfix, #Update, #Bugfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.10, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist, #Adult, #NSFWHotfix v0.10a is here. Changelog: Contract Negotiations. Fixed the 'Porn Residuals Contract' not giving money at the end of the day... Continue reading
- June 04, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #Major Update, #Game Update, #Stuck in Sutton v0.10, #Female Protagonist, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFW Game, #Text Based, #Text Based Game, #Sandbox Game, #Adult, #Adult Game, #Sandbox, #Character Creation, #Multiple Endings, #Content Update, #DevlogGoing Busk Desperate to get their kids out of the house, parents have been encouraging their children to go busk on the streets. While some have complained about the increase of mildly talented people... Continue reading
- May 15, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Female ProtagonistHotfix for v0.9 including: Anti-Theft. Fixed an issue where players could enter negative amounts whilst donating at the church. Les Get This Right. Fixed an issue where Lesbian Bar encounters wouldn't... Continue reading
- May 04, 2024 by Ben Rosewood11#Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.10, #Adult Game, #Sandbox Game, #NSFW Game, #NSFW, #Female Protagonist, #Text Based Game, #Devlog, #Ben RosewoodOne of the story threads introduced was that of pornstar Hans Pumpren. In v0.10 you'll be able to reach the conclusion of his story, where you can star in an amateur porn film. This will open up a new... Continue reading
- April 22, 2024 by Ben Rosewood7#NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton, #Text-Based Game, #Ben Rosewood, #Devlog, #Stuck in Sutton v0.10Now that my weekly break is nearly over (or is over by the time of posting this), work on v0.10 will begin. As stated before, I'm still a few updates away from v1.0 of Stuck in Sutton. I don't want to... Continue reading
- April 14, 2024 by Ben Rosewood6#Stuck in Sutton, #Hotfix, #Update, #Stuck in Sutton v0.9, #NSFW, #Adult GameHotfix for v0.9 Stress Relief. Added stress reduction during sex acts with Annabell at the hotel. This is a first pass and the exact numbers are subject to change... Continue reading
- April 13, 2024 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.9, #Female Protagonist, #Adult, #NSFW, #Update, #Game Update, #Major Update, #Content Update, #Text-Based GameRelationship Advice Many of us have turned to the internet for advice, including relationship advice. With a slew of unqualified influencers giving advice, some experts have stated internet users shou... Continue reading
- April 04, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #Devlog, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFWI almost released v0.9. I say almost as when I was looking at the notes for the update and trying to come up with my typical satirical introductions, I realized v0.9 was not up to my standards. March... Continue reading
- March 16, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Stuck in Sutton, #Devlog, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.9, #Female Protagonist GameAs I said in my last devlog, I'd decide whether I'd release the relationship mechanic as its own update and bundle it with v0.9. As I haven't released an update, it's evident I've chosen the latter. T... Continue reading
- March 06, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Devlog, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFW Game, #Adult Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.9As stated in the previous Devlog, I wanted to add a section to the game that would help point players in the right direction when it comes to relationships. I realize some things aren't 100% obvious a... Continue reading
- March 01, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.9, #Stuck in Sutton v0.9, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #Erotic Game, #Sex Game, #Female Protagonist, #Ben Rosewood, #DevlogNow that the dust has settled on v0.8 and my break is over, I'm setting my sights on v0.9. Before I say anything else, I want to make it clear that v0.9 is not going to be the final step before a full... Continue reading
- February 29, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #Hotfix, #Bug Fix, #Update, #Game Update, #Adult Game, #NSFWOne more hotfix before v0.9 Groundhog Dan. Fixed an issue where Dan's Day 5 hotel scene would repeat... Continue reading
- February 28, 2024 by Ben Rosewood7#Tutorial, #Walkthrough, #Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #HTML Game, #Twine Game, #Sandbox Game, #Character Creation, #Random EventsThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Stuck in Sutton is host to many random encounters. As the truck stop is a hub for many events (shops, prostitutio... Continue reading
- February 25, 2024 by Ben Rosewood11#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Bug Fix, #NSFW, #Game Update, #Stuck in Sutton v0.8Hotfix for v0.8, including: ODear. Fixed an issue with Overdoses triggering before they're supposed to. High Times at the Hotel. Fixed Weed Smoking and Lean Drinking in the hotel room... Continue reading
- February 20, 2024 by Ben Rosewood11#Stuck in Sutton v0.8, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFWToday marks a year since I released Stuck in Sutton to the world. I want to thank everyone who's played, commented, and donated to the project. For the longest time I've always wanted to make my own g... Continue reading
- February 20, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Major Update, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Text Based Game, #Sandbox, #Sandbox Game, #Update, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.8, #Adult, #Female Protagonist GameNewsprings Trail Nested away in Rosa County, the Newsprings Trail is a humble hiking trail that whilst far from new, offers a tranquil walk among nature. It's also often overlooked by tourists, but th... Continue reading
- February 09, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Valentine's Day, #Stuck in Sutton, #Funny, #Meme, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW GameNeed some cards for Valentine's Day? Well I've got you covered with 5 Stuck in Sutton-themed cards that'll surely make your February 14th incredibly special. Still looking for something for that speci... Continue reading
- February 06, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Bundle, #Valentine's Adult Games Bundle, #NSFW, #Adult, #Stuck in SuttonFeeling lonely? Looking for some romance? Or are you looking to become a 21st Century Travis Bickle by starting a date with 51 high-quality adult games? Whatever the case, check out the Valentine's Ad... Continue reading
- February 03, 2024 by Ben Rosewood13#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.8, #v0.8, #Ben Rosewood, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Erotic Game, #Erotic, #DevlogAs Stuck in Sutton nears completion, players will have many ways to reach a good ending. In the current version, endings are pretty basic and I wish to expand upon this concept. This will mean that de... Continue reading
- January 21, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.7, #Hotfix, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #Text Based Game, #Sandbox Game, #NSFW, #Adult, #Female Protagonist, #Browser GameHotfix has dropped to fix two issues: In For Repairs Again. Fixed an issue when visiting the mechanic's garage would cause an error. Raw Dog. Fixed an issue in one of Chance's sex scenes where a varia... Continue reading
- January 17, 2024 by Ben Rosewood10#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.8, #Stuck in Sutton v0.8, #Devlog, #NSFW, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist GameIn v0.8 I'm planning on adding Lap Dancing as an option for those working at the Pink Lounge Strip Club. This mechanic will unlock after performing 3 stripteases and allows you to earn a sizable amoun... Continue reading
- January 11, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Tutorial, #Walktrhough, #Guide, #A Guide to Sutton, #Stuck in SuttonThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. As hinted in the previous guide , there are options outside Jeff the plumber to fix your shower. Most of them req... Continue reading
- January 09, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.8, #Stuck in Sutton v0.8, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist, #Female Protagonist Game, #Sandbox, #UI, #Devlog, #Ben RosewoodHope everyone had a great New Year. I myself have just ended my week break from Stuck in Sutton and have gotten to work on v0.8 of Stuck in Sutton. This will include Day 5 content which will feature c... Continue reading
- January 04, 2024 by Ben Rosewood8#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #Game Update, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #Bug Fixes, #NSFW Game, #NSFW, #Female ProtagonistAnother hotfix for v0.7b First Impressions. Fixed the intro so the last bullet point is not blank. Identifying the Problem. Added two links to the Chance Annabell hangout to ensure players can keep on... Continue reading
- January 02, 2024 by Ben Rosewood9#A Guide to Sutton, #Ben Rosewood, #18+, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist, #Gameplay Walkthrough, #Walkthrough, #NSFW Game, #NSFWThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. If you are still staying at your hotel during Day 4, you'll end up breaking your shower. This will start a quest... Continue reading
- December 31, 2023 by Ben Rosewood9#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #Female ProtagonistFirst (and hopefully last) round of Hotfixes for v0.7, including: Easy Day at The Bar. Fixed a bug where you'd lose 2 energy instead of 1 working at McCall's Bar. Getting Paid For Your Sins. Fixed a b... Continue reading
- December 30, 2023 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #Update, #New Update, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist, #Female Protagonist Game, #Character Creation, #Sandbox Game, #Text-Based Game, #Browser GameSnake on the Loose A member of the notorious Road Rattlers Motocycle Club, Charles 'Chucky' Epps, has managed to avoid a conviction for the trafficking of narcotics in Costa Rosa. Police are blaming t... Continue reading
- December 29, 2023 by Ben Rosewood12#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #Text Based Game, #Female Protagonist, #Interactive FictionWith 2023 coming to an end, I've decided that I'd give an update on what's going on with Stuck in Sutton. v0.7 is very close to release. It'll either be during the last days of December or the first w... Continue reading
- December 22, 2023 by Ben Rosewood11#Walkthrough, #Stuck in Sutton 0.7, #Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Tutorial, #GuideThe first character Annabell can meet is Hans during the photoshoot. You can take her along for it. Right now you gain no benefit from doing so (apart from making money), but this will be patched to a... Continue reading
- December 12, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #Devlog, #Winter Games Bundle 18+, #Adult Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFW, #NSFW GameI don't really have much more to say about v0.7, but there is something else I'd like to talk about. That being the Winter Games Bundle. Within 3 days with already hit our original goal, doubled it, a... Continue reading
- December 07, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Winter Game Bundle 18+, #Adult Games, #NSFW Games, #Stuck in Sutton, #Bundle, #Free BundleStuck in Sutton has decided to snuggle up with 34 other games during this winter. The Winter Games Bundle comes with 35 adult games and is absolutely free. This is the biggest bundle Stuck in Sutton h... Continue reading
- December 07, 2023 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Devlog, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Female Protagonist, #Stuck in Sutton v0.7, #v0.7, #Ben RosewoodFor a while, I've been thinking about what sort of new tattoos to add to the game, and I've finally come up with two additions that will make their debut on v0.7. The first is the 'Coffee Cup' tattoo,... Continue reading
- December 03, 2023 by Ben Rosewood11#Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Adult Game, #Ben Rosewood, #Female Protagonist Game, #NSFW Games, #NSFW Game, #Corruption, #18+, #18+ Game, #Text-Based GameThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. One of the potential outcomes of interacting with Annabell is activating her corruption path (see her Day 1-2 gui... Continue reading
- November 28, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Adult, #Adult Game, #Ben Rosewood, #Devlog, #NSFW, #NSFW Games, #v0.7, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton 0.7, #NSFW GameRandom events have always been a core part of Stuck in Sutton. From randomized work outcomes, to random events that occur during exploration, I've always wanted to give players a reason to explore or... Continue reading
- November 21, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#18+ Game, #18+, #Adult Games, #Adult Game, #Devlog, #Female Protagonist Game, #Erotic Game, #Indie Dev, #Interactive Fiction, #NSFW Game, #Development, #Development Update, #NSFW, #Stuck in Sutton 0.7, #Stuck in Sutton, #v0.7I've got a few announcements to make. First, I'm going to be posting all future 'A Guide to Sutton' posts early on my Patreon. The first part of Annabell's Corruption guide has already dropped. All gu... Continue reading
- November 13, 2023 by Ben Rosewood11#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton 0.7, #Text-Based Game, #Female Protagonist GameFirst of all, I want to say hello to all those who've checked out Stuck in Sutton. Seemingly I've appeased the algorithm and have seen a big uptick in views for v0.6 compared to other releases. I hope... Continue reading
- November 07, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Hotfix, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.6, #v0.6, #Game Update, #Adult Game, #NSFW GameA hotfix for v0.6 has dropped, fixing an error with End of Day 3 Dan content. Also removed Golden Shower Glory Hole encounter whilst the shower is broken during Day 4... Continue reading
- November 06, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Update, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.6, #v0.6, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Interactive Fiction, #Erotica, #Sandbox Game, #Female Protagonist Game, #18+ GamePlumbing problems? According to a recent study by the Plumbing Operations Organisation, 1 in every 2 Americans has faulty plumbing in their house. With rising costs, many have taken the DIY approach... Continue reading
- November 01, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#No Nut November, #Adult Game, #Stuck in Sutton, #List, #NSFW, #Adult, #NSFW GameWhilst Stuck in Sutton is primarily an adult game focused on the sexual escapades of a young woman, there are still many options that don't involve sex. In fact, it's entirely possible to complete the... Continue reading
- October 26, 2023 by Ben Rosewood12#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.6, #v0.6Once again, Stuck in Sutton has found itself on another bundle. If you missed out on the Hot Female Protagonist Bundle, the Halloween Female Protagonist Bundle has got your back, slashing 26% off a bu... Continue reading
- October 12, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Ben Rosewood, #Stuck in Sutton, #v0.6, #Stuck in Sutton v0.6, #Adult, #Adult Game, #Devlog, #NSFW, #NSFW GameFrom Day 1, Stuck in Sutton has been designed for replays involving different playstyles. Whether the player is working an honest job, trying to seduce others, committing crimes, or selling their body... Continue reading
- October 03, 2023 by Ben Rosewood10#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.6, #v0.6, #Ben Rosewood, #Erotic, #18+, #Devlog, #Game UpdateOne of the bigger parts of the v0.4 update was Annabell's corruption path. In v0.6 I plan on expanding on this part of the game with a few different interactions. First of all, there will be new sex a... Continue reading
- September 23, 2023 by Ben Rosewood7#Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.6, #v0.6, #Adult Game, #Adult Games, #Hot Female Protagonist BundleWork on v0.6 has commenced. It's early days but I'm aiming to release it around the end of October or early November. So far I've made good progress, but I've got a lot of work ahead of me, including... Continue reading
- September 18, 2023 by Ben Rosewood8#Hot Female Protagonist Bundle, #Bundle, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #Adult Games, #NSFW Game, #NSFW GamesStuck in Sutton has managed to find its way into another bundle. The Hot Female Protagonist Bundle contains 8 games, including Stuck in Sutton by yours truly. The bundle costs $24.45 USD, which is a 4... Continue reading
- September 16, 2023 by Ben Rosewood9#18+, #18+ Game, #A Guide to Sutton, #Adult Games, #Adult Game, #Ben Rosewood, #Game Walkthrough, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #WalkthroughThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Prostitution has been one of the many ways to earn money in Sutton ever since v0.1. As of v0.5, Stuck in Sutton h... Continue reading
- September 09, 2023 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #Game Update, #Adult, #Adult Game, #DevlogSo now that I've released v0.5 of Stuck in Sutton, I'm planning v0.6, but before I get into that, I want to talk a bit more about version numbers. Some people might assume v0.5 is the half-way point t... Continue reading
- September 06, 2023 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #Major Update, #Content Update, #Stuck in Sutton v0.5, #Game Update, #Adult Game, #NSFW GameToo Cool for School Demand for strippers wearing schoolgirl outfits has increased. No one really knows what has caused the recent surge for the specific uniform, but strip club owner Dennis Deveroux h... Continue reading
- August 29, 2023 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #Romance Games Bundle, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.5, #v0.5I don't have too much to say for this Devlog. Work on v0.5 has been a bit slow as August was rather chaotic IRL. Despite that, I'm almost finished and I should have v0.5 out by the first half of Septe... Continue reading
- August 20, 2023 by Ben Rosewood9#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #SiS, #NSFW, #Erotic, #Erotic GameToday marks 6 months since the initial release of Stuck in Sutton. I want to take the time to thank everyone who's played, shared, commented, and reviewed the game. I'd also like to give an extra big... Continue reading
- August 14, 2023 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.5, #Stuck in Sutton v0.5, #Bugs, #General Update, #Devlog, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Erotic Game, #EroticProgress on v0.5 is going pretty well. Most of it is drafted out. I don't have too much to talk about because most of what I haven't revealed is story related. There's still a bit of testing and editi... Continue reading
- August 08, 2023 by Ben Rosewood6#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton v0.5, #DevlogOne thing I've been working on for v0.5 is expanding the truck-stop prostitution. The main addition I plan on making is kinky customers. These will be randomized customers who may appear when you look... Continue reading
- August 01, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.5, #Stuck in Sutton v0.5, #Game Development, #Game Balance, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #NSFWOne thing I've been thinking about is the balance of certain starting options, mainly the tattoos. While I feel all of the options are viable, some are certainly more effective than others. That's not... Continue reading
- July 22, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Walktrhough, #Drug Dealing, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Text-Based Game, #Tutorial, #Ben RosewoodThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Since v0.4, players can deal drugs to a new batch of customers. The park offers a new drug dealing opportunity th... Continue reading
- July 18, 2023 by Ben Rosewood4#Devlog, #v0.5, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.5, #General Update, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Adult Game, #Erotic Game, #18+ Game, #Ben RosewoodNow that the dust has settled on v0.4, I'm making plans for v0.5. First of all, I'm taking a week's break to gather my thoughts and possibly fix any bugs that anyone may point out. Please feel free to... Continue reading
- July 13, 2023 by Ben Rosewood4#Stuck in Sutton, #v0.4, #Update, #Major Update, #Game Update, #NSFW, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Erotic Game, #18+ GamePump it up Hans Pumpren is a veteran of the pornography industry, having starred in many films such as 'Pumped by the Plumber', 'Hans on MILFs', and the ever classy 'Buttzilla's Big Booty Busted'. Alt... Continue reading
- July 12, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#v0.4, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4, #Status Update, #Devlog, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #NSFWHey guys, I know it's been a while and I said v0.4 would be out right about now. It's about 90-95% done, but it's not quite ready yet. I'm hoping to have it done in the next few days, but that might m... Continue reading
- June 27, 2023 by Ben Rosewood8#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #r/goodadultgames, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #18+, #Erotica, #v0.4, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4So it's been a while since I've given a devlog. The simple fact is I don't have much to say. v0.4 is going pretty well and right now I'm up to the editing and testing stage. Still got a lot of work ah... Continue reading
- June 25, 2023 by Ben Rosewood6#r/goodadultgaming, #Game Jam, #Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #NSFW Games, #NSFW Gaming, #18+, #Adult GameThose of you who are looking for more games to play whilst you wait for v0.4, be sure to check out the r/goodadultgaming Jam . Not only does Stuck in Sutton feature, but so does a growing list of adul... Continue reading
- June 15, 2023 by Ben Rosewood6#Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Guide, #Tutorial, #Walkthrough, #Romance, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Adult Game, #18+ GameThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Dan is one of the many romantic options in Stuck in Sutton. He's also the first NPC you meet as per this guide ... Continue reading
- June 13, 2023 by Ben Rosewood6#v0.4, #Stuck in Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4, #Game Development, #Game Update, #SiS, #Adult Game, #NSFW, #NSFW GameNOTE: This Devlog will contain some minor spoilers to v0.3 if you haven't played through all of its content. As mentioned during Devlog #10, I've been looking to expand the world of Sutton some more... Continue reading
- June 05, 2023 by Ben Rosewood7#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Game Update, #Devlog, #Text Based Game, #18+ Game, #NSFW, #Erotic Game, #Adult, #Erotic, #18+, #Twine, #Twine Game, #v0.4, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4, #Status UpdateOne of my priorities with updating Stuck in Sutton is to not only add more length to the game but to also keep it fresh and exciting with new events and locations. In v0.4, SiS will receive a new loca... Continue reading
- June 03, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Walkthrough, #Stuck in Sutton, #A Guide to Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Tutorial, #Game WalkthroughThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Russ Sullivan is another NPC players can meet in Sutton. He can be found at Bob's Used Cars and Repairs, working... Continue reading
- May 30, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW Game, #Game Development, #18+ Game, #Adult Game, #v0.4, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4NOTE: This Devlog will contain some minor spoilers to v0.3 if you haven't played through all of its content. As is probably apparent, Stuck in Sutton offers many paths for players to take. This includ... Continue reading
- May 26, 2023 by Ben Rosewood4#Guide, #Walktrhough, #A Guide to Sutton, #Stuck in Sutton, #Gameplay Walkthrough, #NSFW Game, #Adult GameThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. As mentioned in the guide to Chance's Pills , players can break into the Old Man's House. Doing so can be very lu... Continue reading
- May 23, 2023 by Ben Rosewood6#Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #18+ Game, #Update, #Game Update, #v0.4Now that my week break is over, I've started work on v0.4. Right now I'm working on the Day 3 morning content. This will include the end result of End of Day 2 encounters and another quest involving D... Continue reading
- May 16, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#18+ Game, #Adult Game, #Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW Game, #Game Dev, #Indie Dev, #Devlog, #v0.4, #Stuck in Sutton v0.4Now that v0.3 has been released, the next obvious step is v0.4. Well, that or a hotfix if anything in v0.3 turns out to be horribly broken like it was in v0.2. First, I plan to take a week's break to... Continue reading
- May 13, 2023 by Ben Rosewood8#Major Update, #Update, #Game Update, #v0.3, #Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW Game, #Text Based Game, #18+ Game, #Adult GameIs Someone You Love a Heavy Drinker? According to statistics, 2/3s of all of Sutton's residents have been drunk in public*. This has led to all sorts of embarrassing activity, from urinating oneself t... Continue reading
- May 04, 2023 by Ben Rosewood4#Walkthrough, #Stuck in Sutton, #Adult Game, #18+ Game, #Guide, #NSFW GameThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Annabell Petersen is a major NPC that players can interact with, often found tending to the church. The Preacher'... Continue reading
- April 21, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #Devlog, #NSFW Game, #Adult Game, #Game DevelopmentHello travelers to Sutton. It's been a little while since I've given an update, but I do have a few things to say. I'm going to start with the vegetables first, and that is that I'm most likely going... Continue reading
- April 13, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #Guide, #A Guide to Sutton, #NSFW Game, #Walkthrough, #Adult GameThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Feeling like breaking bad in Sutton? Those willing to break the law can make quite a bit of cash. Then again, dru... Continue reading
- April 11, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Stuck in Sutton, #NSFW, #NSFW Game, #Status Update, #Devlog, #Adult Game, #Text-Based GameOne of the new features I'm pushing in v0.3 is the new drunkenness system and I wanted to do a bit more of a deep dive. Getting drunk in Stuck in Sutton will now have randomized outcomes. These outcom... Continue reading
- April 09, 2023 by Ben Rosewood4#Stuck in Sutton, #Guide, #A Guide to Sutton, #Adult Game, #NSFW GameThe following post may contain spoilers for certain story elements of Stuck in Sutton. Mary McCall is one of the Major NPCs players can interact with and also offers one of the many work opportunities... Continue reading
- March 07, 2023 by Ben Rosewood5#Adult Game, #18+ Game, #Development, #Development Update, #Devlog, #NSFW Game, #Stuck in Sutton, #Status Update, #Game DevelopmentRight now Stuck in Sutton is in its infancy and there are still many features that need to be added. For example, in the current version of Stuck in Sutton, there is no way to significantly reduce thi... Continue reading
- February 28, 2023 by Ben Rosewood7#Stuck in Sutton, #18+ Game, #Adult Game, #NSFW Game, #Game Development, #Status Update, #Development UpdateOne of my tenants of design when it comes to Stuck in Sutton is freedom of choice. Whether it's working your ass off, being a coked out of your mind drug dealer, or selling your body until you can aff... Continue reading