Devlog #15 - Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most

One thing I've been thinking about is the balance of certain starting options, mainly the tattoos. While I feel all of the options are viable, some are certainly more effective than others. That's not the biggest deal, but there was one tattoo I wanted to focus on: The 'Love Heart' tattoo.

By default, this tattoo adds +10 Sluttiness when you start the game. The most comparable tattoo is the 'Chalice tattoo', which grants you +3 to 4 Sluttiness per load of cum swallowed. For those who can do maths, it'll take 3 to 4 blowjobs to beat the 'Love Heart' tattoo, which is pretty easy to do.

One thing I'm considering is to allow access to certain events earlier with the 'Love Heart' tattoo. This will include some newer content I have planned for v0.5, but may also include some older content. I'm also open to other ideas when it comes to the 'Love Heart' tattoo, so feel free to comment.

Work has started on v0.5 and it's going pretty well. A part of me wants to get v0.5 out on August 20th, as that would be the 6 Month Anniversary of Stuck in Sutton's release, but that's admittedly pretty ambitious for the work I have to do. I'll probably have a bit better of an idea when v0.5 will be ready in the next few weeks, so until then, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you Stuck in Sutton.

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