Devlog #11 - Parks and Recreational Drugs

One of my priorities with updating Stuck in Sutton is to not only add more length to the game but to also keep it fresh and exciting with new events and locations. In v0.4, SiS will receive a new location, the Park. For the most part, the park will be a place to relax and reduce stress and a vessel for new random encounters.

Players of a more nefarious nature can also engage in a new variation of drug dealing. Without spoiling too much, your new buyers will be a little younger than the truckers you usually sell to. This means they will also be seeking items like beer and cigarettes, in addition to the usual drugs you've been selling. 

Work on v0.4 is still going smoothly. I've still got a bit to write, but I'm hoping to get to the drafting/testing stage about half-way through the month. Until then, I'm afraid I'll have to leave you Stuck in Sutton.

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